
The MNK Global Core SPF offers professional investors the opportunity to invest in diversified CORE assets in Europe and OECD countries.

*This information does not constitute a promise of return or performance. Investing in real estate involves numerous risks, including market risks, credit risks, default risks, counterparty risks, operational risks, risks related to the disposal of certain investments, and risks related to real estate investments.

A defensive, selective, and performance-driven strategy* through active management and sectoral diversification internationally


Stratégie Core+ permettant d’investir dans des actifs (bureaux, retail parks, résidences gérées ou logistique…)


A travers MNK Europe +, les investisseurs décarbonisent leurs portefeuilles d’investissement et accroissent les investissements dans les solutions respectueuses de l’environnement.


Un fonds de rendement proposant aux investisseurs un rendement réel positif (non garanti).


Gestion active sur une poche immobilière indirecte au service de la liquidité du fonds.

'Our funds follow the logic of real estate cycles. In the coming months, we anticipate the upward cycle to resume with the return of liquidity. This requires us to adapt our strategies and management methods to offer our investors the best possible performance. As with every fund, our approach is anticipatory rather than reactive. Therefore, MNK Global Core will develop a selective approach to assets that meet the "Core" criteria (good location and good tenant). It was created to capture cyclical recoveries in European countries and benefit from existing opportunities in markets beyond Europe, such as the United States'

Mansour Khalifé, Chairman of MNK Partners

MNK Global Core strategy

MNK Global Core fund targets diversified “core” real estate assets in Europe and OECD countries, aiming to generate a return of over 6% p.a. (not guaranteed). The investment strategy is based on a reasoned positioning at the inflection point of the real estate cycle to benefit from (i) yield effects with low prices and increasingly accessible debt, (ii) coupled with medium/long-term capital appreciation due to rate compression resulting from the return of liquidity to real estate markets.

The fund includes an “active pocket” through investments in listed assets to enhance the fund’s liquidity. MNK Global Core aims to achieve certification within three years, with a DNA favouring socially responsible investments.

Fund characteristics :

Management method

Active property investment management based on an empirical approach: prospective and quantitative analyses

Sector and geographical diversification

A totally agnostic approach (geography and asset class) based on the search for performance

Liquidity and active management

An ‘active pocket’ through investments in listed assets to support the fund's liquidity

ESG approach

A DNA favouring socially responsible investment and a 3-year labelling objective.

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The information found on the pages of this website are intended solely to present MNK Partners’ expertise in the field of corporate real estate. It is not in any way intended to :

– Exhaustively present the investment funds or solutions (hereafter the “Funds”) recommended, managed, or set up by MNK Partners ;

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Generally speaking, MNK Partners’ Funds are intended only for professional investors or the equivalent and for well-informed investors depending on their countries of residence.
The risks, commissions, and investment horizons recommended for the presented Funds are indicated in detail in the Fund Placement Memorandum, which must be provided to the subscriber before any subscription or acquisition. This official documentation is only available from entities of MNK Partners or partnering third parties expressly authorized or mandated by MNK Partners, sometimes exclusively in a given region and/or a defined segment of investors.
The value of those Funds’ investments and the revenue arising from them may go up or down and are in no event guaranteed. The amount initially invested might not be recovered.
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